No Surprise
- Have more reunions (100% favorable)
- Time of year to hold  (63% said Fall)
- Every 5 yrs plus 2yr specials or minis  (61% and 20%)
- Memory Table was popular  (78% favorable)
- WHS tour rated well (92% favorable)
- Mixer & Dinner highest ratings (97% favorable)
Some Surprise
- Few feel dancing is necessary  (35% favored   )
- Moderate interest to repeat tour  (65% favorable)
- Mugs and Monopoly Games  (74% favorable)
Noteworthy Information
- Willing to help plan next reunion  (70% favorable)
- Communications effectiveness (email 100%)
 (web 98%), (FB 85%)
Specific Comments of Interest
- Several responses showed preference for simpler events
- Co-located mixer, dinner, brunch at hotel was popular
- Significant interest in casual mingling vs formal structured events
- Many expressed interest in afternoon picnic and/or winery - provided courtesy of Jeff Grover (c) 09 Nov, 2022  [based on 41 responses]