WHS '71 - 50th Reunion Event Questionnaire

The 50th Reunion of WHS '71 is now in the books.  We hope those of you who attended enjoyed it as much as we did.

Please take a moment to record your thoughts below to give us feedback on the 50th Reunion and to help us plan future reunions. Responses from those that did not attend are also requested.

      Thank-you for making the 50th Reunion a success!

       WHS '71 Reunion Committee

PS #1: Please register here for the Alumni Directory if you've not done so already so that we can keep you informed about future events, and
PS #2: Please help us locate missing alumni by having them register too or by sending us thier contact information using this form


WHS '71 Classmate Information

      Rate the 50th   In Future?
   Reunion Events    worst - - - - best    Y    N Additional Comments
   FRI  Golf      
 Happy Hour      
   SAT  WHS Tour      
 Daytime Picnic   
   SUN  Brunch      
    any  Other Activities   


  Future Reunion Plans Y   NAdditional Comments
   Should we plan to have more reunions?
   Would you help plan the next reunion?
   How often? every yr? 2 yrs? 5 yrs? 10 yrs? other?
   What time of year should gatherings be held?
   Should anything be different than previous ones?
   Do you consider dancing an essential element?
   Should the memory table be repeated?
   Repeat special items (i.e. mugs, Monopoly games)?


  50th Reunion Communication Methods Y     NAdditional Comments
   Were emails a useful way to inform you?
   Was the web site useful as a reference?
   Was the Facebook group useful to inform you?
   Is there a better method to communicate?


  General Comments, Questions, Concerns or Recommendations:



   May take a minute or two to complete


Web Page courtesy of Jeff Grover (c) 2022